Yasmine Ganley

Photos by Greta van der Starr
Yasmine Ganley is a writer, art director, and editor of the blog Anyone Girl and the zine WAIST. Through the various arms of her creativity, she tries to provide commercial-free platforms to showcase female work, as well as foster conversations about intuition and empowerment. Based in New Zealand, Yasmine’s soft, simple, and considered personal aesthetic is also evident in the imagery and writing she curates professionally. She was photographed at home by Greta van der Star with her favorite styles from our Spring 2020 collection.
Tell us about anyonegirl and how it came to be.
Anyonegirl started ten years ago as a digital space to put the work that I did for other magazines, like a portfolio. I would fill in the gaps with musings, things and people I liked. Eventually that sort of curation took over, and now it serves as a platform for creatives who want to explore ideas, devoid of any commercial aspect. I feel most proud of the community that exists around anyonegirl. It seems that everyone involved is supportive of everyone else, and I'm glad to provide a safe space for this to happen.
The WAIST publication, stemmed from anyonegirl.com, was realized for a few reasons: I was beginning to feel bored of the kind of messages female magazines were pitching to their audiences. It felt stale and lazy, and just full of negativity. I wanted to give something to women that made them feel good about themselves, to feel empowered, and to know that there were other women out there feeling the same. I wanted to open conversations up about intuition and instinct in a way that was visually appealing and thoughtful.
I also wanted to give the kind of content I was sharing on anyonegirl.com an elevated platform, as a way of honoring the creatives and contributors that submit and create work. I think it's important that there are creative platforms devoid of commercial agenda, so I take on all costs myself and try to make the project pay for itself, as well as fund the next issue. I work with designer Natasha Mead who does a beautiful job of creating a visual language for the journal. She is the best; I admire her so much. We've just released our fourth issue, and are currently working on the fifth, and potentially final, issue. It’s absolutely beautiful, my most favourite one yet.
What is currently inspiring you? Sartorially, culturally or otherwise?
I’m trying to create a textile piece to hang on our wall, and I am not a sewer or a designer! So, this is a) stressful and b) ridiculous, but here we are with an idea in mind and heart. I’m currently researching natural dyes and quilt making processes to make a start. I am inspired by Kibbo Kift flags, Ray Eames’ kites and Kate Newby’s textile works.
How would you describe your style?
Relaxed. Practical. Comfortable. I like wearing denim and cotton, garments made by people I know and admire, and I have collected vintage clothing since I was a teenager.
What is your current favorite shoe from Emme Parsons and how would you style it?
The High Throat Ballerina in Brown. I love the ruching around the foot, it feels playful and childlike, reminds me of my many days spent in a ballet studio. Yet, the toe’s shape is sophisticated and elegant. The blend of the two I find really feminine and cool. I like to wear mine with loose and long trousers where the toe and ruching is peeping out and adding a little detail to my outfit.
Favorite aspect of motherhood?
I have been thinking about this recently, and I think I’m starting to discover a feeling of being anchored by my children. They’ve put a stake in my life so strongly that I’ve been able to look both to my past and future and feel a sense of where I really am. That perspective has gifted me with the ability to enjoy my time as a mother right now. No longer stressing about who I am not anymore, or who I need to become.
What is your morning ritual?
Seed probiotics. Earl grey tea. A walk outside in the fresh air.
What is your evening ritual?
Glass of red wine. Shower. Reading in bed.
Describe your perfect day in New Zealand.
Waking up at Opoutere Beach campsite, making a vegetarian cooked breakfast on the grass with a thick wooly jumper on. Walking through the forest to the beach for a swim with my family. Enjoying a roadside fruit ice cream in the afternoon. Making cocktails and fish tacos with my friends in the evening, playing some records, having a boogie and an early night!